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Free Stuff

Free Viewing! An Historic Photograph

Here is a photograph from the days when I released my very first Ep, 'Haere Atu Rā' (1999). From the days when I wore dangly earrings and chipped nail polish. You're welcome.

Free Download - Song for Christchurch

Here is a song tentatively called 'Remember'. Very simple recording - it's not on any albums yet.

I offer it for free download, for all those affected by the earthquakes in Christchurch. I will be thinking of you on Feb 22.

Aroha nui x H




Free CDs!

Anyone who buys one of my books or CDs via my online store will receive a free copy of 'Gondwanavista: An Outback Soundwalk'. Offer open while stocks last...


Free Poem-Reads!

Here's a link to read my poem 'Running' in Victoria University's literary journal, 'Turbine' 2011.

Here's a link to read my poems 'magnet bay farm' and 'Wellington' in 'Turbine' 2013.